Membership Information

Whether novice or expert come enjoy learning and honing your ceramics skills!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Click on a question below to view the answer

Question: What does it cost to join the club?

Answer: Annual Membership fee is $20. payable by check. 
Our club is committed to providing a class for new members soon after they join to get them started with ceramic projects. The Tool Kit is $17-20. Greenware, bisque, glaze and paints are available for purchase at the club.  Beginner projects are prepared and organized by the beginner’s teachers for the ongoing beginner classes. Plan to spend $25-30 for these supplies and a name badge. The beginner teachers orient you to the club along with to all of the fun things you can do with ceramics. We suggest a $20 donation to the beginner teacher. About $65 to start.

Question: Does everyone need to take the Introduction Class?

Answer:  If you have not had any previous experience with Ceramics you will need to take the class.  If you have previously worked with Ceramics you will still need an orientation to our club. Specifically club procedures, rules for working, rules for firing, club social activities, access to supplies, ordering greenware, club meetings, and checking in to the club computer system. 

Question: What am I required to do to use the club facilities?

Answer:  You must accumulate at least 4 hours of volunteer work in the club per month in order to fire pieces.  This is usually accomplished by monitoring for one 4 hour period.  Any hours spent assisting with club activities, i.e., fairs, parties, firing, pouring, etc., can also count toward that requirement.

Question: Does it cost anything to fire your pieces?

Answer: No. Members are required to volunteer (monitor) 4 hours a month to “earn” 6 item firings each week in the next month. Example: Member works 4 hours in February monitoring at the firing room. They earn 6 firings each week in March. 

Important Note!


If you are a member of our club you are eligible to be a Board Member.  We have four positions open every year:  President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  You need only be willing to devote your time to the club as needed to be qualified for these positions, with the possible exception of Treasurer which will require some computer skills and some numerical proficiency.   Every Board position is open to change every year.  The only position that is term-limited is the President.  They can only serve for two consecutive years per our By Laws.

We strongly encourage you to contact one of the current Board members and make your wishes known so that when the time comes we can include you in the list of candidates on whom we will vote in November.   This is an important part of your club.  The Board provides the guidance and direction for the club over the year.  This work continues during the summer even though we don’t have meetings so, if you are a snow bird, we may need to discuss the position you would like to fill and what options are open.   Also, if we cannot fill all of the Board positions in time for the new year, the Rec Center can disband the club.